Whilst this is a rare circumstance, a program dismissal means that the university has initiated the withdrawal of a learner from the program on account of academic, participation, and/or financial grounds. If you do become at risk of program dismissal, you would be informed with plenty of time to get back on a path to success.

  • Participation – The participation grounds for program dismissal is on account of failure to meet the Course Participation Requirement such as engaging in course and responding to SA outreach (participation deadline = day 10) and/or of not engaging with the university for a specified lengthy period of time

  • Financial - The financial grounds for program dismissal is on account of failure to pay tuition

You may also be eligible for program dismissal if you begin learning under the status of Accepted Evaluation Pending (AEP) and do not provide all necessary documentation within the required 60 days. 

Please email the Learner Success Team (success@nexford.org) if you would like more information about the grounds for program dismissal. Most importantly, you should feel comfortable and reassured at Nexford that we always want you to succeed! Our Success team and course faculty are always available to support you throughout your learning journey. Your success is our success, after all!