Although many benefits exist, there are also limitations to using generative AI tools. At NXU, we encourage innovation and boldness, but we also uphold integrity and transparency. Although we encourage you to use AI, you should not rely solely on generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT) when producing your coursework.

These are the NXU guidelines for using AI as it relates to the Academic Honesty policy:


  1. Accuracy of AI: Although many benefits are emerging for the use of AI in industry, in education we still have the responsibility to ensure the accuracy of AI-generated materials. AI still has some limitations, so, instead of solely relying on AI-generated materials, be mindful when reviewing the content for accuracy.
  2. Supplementing with AI: AI may be useful in generating ideas through appropriate prompts, but AI does not replace the need to do your own coursework.
  3. Citing work generated by AI: Protecting intellectual property still exists, therefore, AI-generated material should be properly cited. If you use AI-generated material, it should be cited as personal communication since the content may not be able to be recreated. Example: (Communicator, personal communication, Month, Date, Year)
  4. Monitoring use of AI: Much like Similarity scores, Turnitin now provides a percentage of the content generated by AI. The recommendation is not to exceed 25% of AI-generated content (unless the assignment specifies) and to include citations for the AI-generated content.