Nexford University closely monitors your academic performance in order to support you in successfully achieving your learning goals. This is called the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.

If you are studying at an undergraduate level, to meet SAP guidelines you must:

  • Complete all courses with a passing grade,
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better.

If you are studying at a graduate level, to meet SAP guidelines you must:

  • Complete all courses with a passing grade,
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

All learners must also earn a passing grade in at least 67% (two-thirds) of all courses attempted - referred to as your Completion Pace. An "attempted course" is any course that you completed, failed, or withdrew from. Courses that you dropped within the first 5 days are excluded.

If you fall below these minimum thresholds, you may be given a Warning or put on Probation. If this is the case, you will be required to improve your academic performance to avoid dismissal from the university.

You can always book a session with a Success Advisor to understand these grade requirements better – that’s a great way to prepare for your program! 

To learn more about, refer to the article, "What are the academic requirements for my program?"

Or, watch the below video where NXU's Business Program Director, Dr. Ann Larson, explains the importance of meeting SAP, the factors affecting SAP, the implications of not meeting SAP, and who to reach out to for help.