Each NXU program has a recommended learning path:

  • The first 6 courses in the MBA and the first 25 courses in the AAS and BBA must be completed in the prescribed order. This ensures that you start your program with a solid grounding in essential concepts, and are set up for success. 
  • Beyond these first courses, your learning path is flexible, and you can change the order of your courses according to your preferences. 

At the end of your first month at NXU, your Success Advisor will invite you for a Learning Path Verification Session to discuss your academic plan. In the session, you’ll get to know about the courses you will be taking in your program and the length of your program. Your Success Advisor will help you select your electives and specialization courses. This session is required before you can move on to your next course/s.

To discuss your learning path, schedule a session with a Success Advisor

We encourage you to schedule this session between days 1 and 15 of your second month in NXU. Note that sessions are conducted through MS Teams, so make sure that you have it downloaded on your device/s!

Download MS Teams

  1. MS Teams for Windows
  2. MS Teams for iOS
  3. MS Teams for Android Device