There are times when we need help in our learning journey, whether with course content and assignments or balancing your learning time with your professional and personal life. Nexford has many resources available to help learners succeed when faced with challenges.


  • Help with problems understanding course content -- a concept, reading, or assignment
  • Issues accessing course materials and other academic resources
  • Clarity on assignment or assessment feedback or grades

Writing Resource Center

  • General help to improve academic writing, including formatting and citation style
  • Assistance with writing for an assignment, revising work, and applying feedback from faculty
  • Improving English writing and presentation skills in your coursework

Success Advisors

  • Help navigating the Nexford learning environment, Canvas, or adjusting to online learning
  • Advice on managing your time and balancing your personal life, studies and work
  • Questions about academic policies


  • LibrarianAssistance with finding academic resources in LIRN
  • Registrar's Office: Acquiring learner records, transcripts, certificates, and diplomas
  • Billing's Office: Questions about tuition, fees, and/or payment-related concerns