Failing a course can be discouraging, but it's not the end of your academic journey. Here's what you need to know and do:

  1. Don't Panic: Reach Out for Help
    The first step is to reach out to your Course Professor and/or the Learner Success team. They can provide guidance and support on how to improve your grades, potentially before the course ends.
  2. Understand the Consequences
    The next steps depend on whether the course is required or not:
    1. Non-required course (elective): You'll need to either retake the same course or choose a different elective. You'll be placed on academic probation until you pass an elective.
    2. Required core course: You must retake the course immediately and pass it on the second attempt. Failure to do so can lead to dismissal from the university.
  3. Academic Probation
    While on probation, you'll receive closer support from the Learner Success team to help you improve your academic performance. This is a chance to address any challenges you may be facing and develop strategies for success.
  4. Learn from Your Mistakes
    Take the time to review your assignment feedback and discuss your performance with your professor. Understanding why you didn't succeed in the course is crucial for avoiding similar issues in the future.
  5. Create a Plan for Success
    Work with your Learner Success Advisor to create a plan for academic improvement. This might involve setting new goals, adjusting your study habits, or seeking additional support services.


  • You are not alone. Many students face setbacks at some point in their studies.
  • Nexford is committed to helping you succeed. Reach out for support whenever you need it.
  • With dedication and the right resources, you can overcome this challenge and achieve your academic goals.

Additional Resources:

  • Learner Success Team: Contact information can be found in your student portal.
  • Academic Policies: Review the official Nexford University policies for more details on probation and course repetition.

We believe in your ability to succeed. Don't hesitate to ask for help!