Probation is an academic sanction issued by Nexford University if you fail to meet the minimum academic requirements of the university. After Probation, the next academic sanction is being dismissed from your program.


You may be escalated from a Warning to Probation if you continue to:

  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below the standard academic requirement of the program
    • For the AAS and BBA programs, this is a GPA of 2.0 or better
    • For the MBA program, this is a GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Complete less than 67% (two-thirds) of the courses that you attempt in your program.

After being put on Probation, you will have 2 months (excluding any Leave of Absence) to improve your academic performance before being re-assessed. At that time, if you still do not meet the academic requirements for your program, you risk being dismissed from the university.

Don’t worry, though – the NXU team is here to support you. During this time, you should work closely with the Learner Success team and your Course Professor to understand how you can improve your academic performance. You must also ensure that you dedicate enough time to your studies within this 2 month timeframe.


We are all rooting for your success!