NXU Standard Course Timeline

Nexford courses open every first day of the month and close on day 51. Whenever you receive your final grade in a course, you will automatically be enrolled in course previewing for your next course(s). As the first day of the following month arrives, you’ll have full access to your next course(s).


Course Start Date:

  • If you are enrolled into a course before the Course Start Date, you will have preview access. NXU Courses always start on Day 1 of the month. Until the Course Start Date, you will be in a locked-down version of your upcoming course and will not be able to submit assignments.
  • To learn more, refer to the article, "What does course previewing mean?"

Add/Drop Period:

  • This is the period of time between the Course Start Date and day 5 of the month. In this time, you can drop a course without incurring an official Withdrawal ("W") on your transcript or impacting your completion pace. You can also enroll in additional courses during this time.
  • To learn more, refer to the article, "How can I drop or withdraw from a course?"

Course Participation Deadline:

  • Nexford courses are designed using the latest research on learner success. Participation in the early days of a course is critical for setting learners up for success in online courses, so all learners are required to show evidence of course participation by day 10 of each course. Participation means submitting a graded quiz or assignment in your course.
  • To learn more, refer to the article, "What are the course participation requirements?"

Enrollment Period:

  • If you have completed your ongoing courses or you have increased your course load, you will be automatically enrolled to the next course in your learning path between day 24 and day 31 of the term. To add more courses, you need to contact success@nexford.org during the enrollment period. This is the best time to enroll to reap the benefit of course previewing.

Course Withdrawal Deadline:

  • If you withdraw from a course after the Add/Drop Period, this will be reflected in your record indicated by a "W" on your transcript. The "W" has no impact on your GPA (Grade Point Average) but will impact your course completion pace, which is monitored as part of the academic requirements to stay enrolled at Nexford University. You should think carefully before withdrawing from a course so that you stay on pace for completing your program. It’s always best to reach out to a Success Advisor and discuss your options before making a decision involving course withdrawals. 
  • To learn more, refer to the article, "What is a course withdrawal?"

Term Break:

  • During this period - between submitting your Final Project and the Start Date of your next course - you have free time to relax before the next term starts.

Important Note:

Learners receive tuition invoices every 20th of the month and are expected to settle their balances before the month ends. This will ensure timely enrollment in their next courses. Failure to settle tuition payments on time may delay their course enrollment. 

Note that the following instances may put learners at risk of suspension from the program: 

  • Accumulation of 2 or more unpaid invoices; or 
  • Having one (1) unpaid invoice that is 2 months overdue