Want to move fast?

You are welcome to move as quickly as you would like through each course. On Nexford's "Flexible Start Model", you can begin working on a course module as soon as you have completed the previous module. 

Prefer to take your time?

No problem. Although, to ensure that you have enough time to complete all 6 modules in each course, plus the final project, you need to pace yourself.  For that reason, NXU sets deadlines by which each module must be completed. Each course runs for 51 days. Deadlines are set as follows:

First courseAll succeeding courses
  • Module 1 = day 10
  • Module 2 = day 17
  • Module 3 = day 24
  • Module 4 = day 31
  • Module 5 = day 38
  • Module 6 = day 45
  • Final Project = day 51
  • Module 1 = day 10 
  • Module 2 = day 17
  • Module 3 = day 24
  • Module 4 = day 31
  • Module 5 = day 38
  • Module 6 = day 45
  • Final Project = day 51

For detailed information about your assignment due dates, take a look at the Assignments tab on the left menu of your course, and keep an eye out for course Announcements.