Throughout your courses, any written work that you submit must be yours alone. No one else is permitted to write for you, nor are you allowed to copy the written work of others, including sources you find online, and submit them as your own.


Doing this would constitute plagiarism, a serious academic violation, and would be flagged by NXU’s plagiarism software.


In addition to writing with integrity, you must also cite any sources you use. If you have any questions about how to appropriately cite sources, you should access the resources found in the Writing Lab, specifically the topic on NXU Style Guide and Plagiarism.


If you are flagged for plagiarism, you will be contacted by your professor and you may receive an academic warning. If you receive multiple warnings about plagiarism, the consequences may include dismissal from the university.

Here you will find a video with more information about plagiarism and NXU.